Flexible work is the new black
Welcome to another Flexible Success newsletter. Each edition includes a tip, a quote, a question and an interesting read - all related to flexible work. It's designed to be quick and easy to digest, and to provide you with some food for thought for the week ahead.
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash
Flexible work is the new black. Organisations everywhere are starting to use it as a strategy for attracting and retaining great talent.
So do you currently have the kind of flexibility that suits you?
If you're an office worker you've probably now got some level of flexibility in where you work. But what about when and how much you work?
Maybe you'd love to make a big change and go part-time. Or perhaps a much smaller adjustment would have a hugely positive impact, like changing your work hours to 7am-3pm every Friday.
There has never been a better time to negotiate for more flexibility. So why not start a conversation about it!
‘Seventy-one percent of employees are open to looking for a new job in the next year if they are dissatisfied with current levels of flexibility.'
– Helen Crupp, author of How The Future Works
What's one additional form of flexibility that you would love to build into your week?
This article on 5 ways to increase workplace flexibility provides some great food for thought about how to create a culture of flexibility through little things like more breaks and less meetings.
Thanks for reading. You can get more flexible work tips in my popular email newsletter.
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