Flexing your boundaries
Welcome to another Flexible Success newsletter. Each edition includes a tip, a quote, a question and an interesting read - all related to flexible work. It's designed to be quick and easy to digest, and to provide you with some food for thought for the week ahead.
Photo by Oksana Taran on Unsplash
Getting the balance right between knowing when to maintain a boundary and when to be flexible with it is an essential skill for succeeding at work. This can seem a bit counterintuitive - what's the point of having boundaries if you're going to flex them all over the place?!
The people who do it best, are able to walk a fine line between being too rigid (and refusing to take the occasional urgent call on their day off), and being too flexible (and spending hours of their non-work time responding to emails that could wait).
If you can find a way to walk this line well, you'll be able to protect your non-work time in a way that works for you and for those around you.
This is true of any role really, but it's an especially important skill when you are working part-time.
'It’s a tension between being too flexible and ending up working full time and not being paid for it, and too inflexible, which doesn’t work for the organisation.’
– Matt Westmore
Do you lean towards being too flexible with your boundaries or not flexible enough?
This Inc article provides a perspective on why flexibility requires tradeoffs.
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