Part-time Work is for Everyone
Welcome to another Flexible Success newsletter. Each edition includes a tip, a quote, a question and an interesting read - all related to part-time and flexible work. It's designed to be quick and easy to digest, and to provide you with some food for thought for the week ahead.
Photo by Max Rosero on Unsplash
Theme: Part-time Work is for Everyone
Part-time work should be for anyone, in any role, for any reason. But it is still too often considered a 'women's issue' - something that is only important to women with kids.
Societal attitudes are slowly shifting though. We're starting to see a few more fathers working part-time, and hearing that plenty more of them would love to have this option.
But what about people who want to work part-time and don't have kids? This can still be harder to negotiate. I mean why would anyone just want to have more spare time?!
The good news is that there are quite a few organisations starting to lead the way. For example, Macquarie’s Banking and Financial Services group has a ‘Flexibility for any reason or no reason at all’ policy.
If you're looking to take your role part-time and need to convince your employer to get on board, a good starting point is to make sure you're across what organisations like Macquarie are doing, as well as the business case for flexible working.
"I’m in a position where I can afford to take time to enjoy the things in life I love, and I don’t want that rare opportunity to go to waste. But finding an employer who is okay with that is not always an easy task." ― Kerri Duncan, Mamamia contributor
If you're a people manager, or in a position of influence in your organisation, what could you do to make flexible and part-time work accessible to more people?
I really enjoyed this recent Mamamia article about the challenges of negotiating part-time work when you don't have an 'acceptable reason' (i.e. kids).
Thanks for reading. You can get more flexible work tips in my popular email newsletter.
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